The past two decades of politics in Washington have seen increased partisanship, prolonged stalemates, and numerous scandals. For today's teenagers and young adults, years of ineffective and inefficient political leadership have completely eroded any sense that politicians or government have the ability to do good or effect positive change. Worse, the mean-spirited, dysfunctional political system that has come to characterize American politics has turned young people off to the idea of running for office. With more than 500,000 elected positions in the United States, what will happen when this generation is expected to take the reins of political power? Through an original, national survey of more than 4,000 high school and college students, as well as more than 100 in-depth interviews, Jennifer L. Lawless and Richard L. Fox find that young Americans feel completely alienated from contemporary politics and express little ambition or aspiration to run for office in the future. The overwhelming majority see nothing particularly noble about those currently in office, viewing most as dishonest, self-interested, and disinterested in helping their constituents. These young people want to improve their communities and enact change in the world; but they don't think politics is the way to achieve these goals. In fact, they look disdainfully upon the prospects of growing up to be a mayor, governor, senator, or even president of the United States. Running from Office explores young people's opinions about contemporary politics and their political ambition (or lack of it). The book paints a political profile of the next generation that should sound alarm bells about the long-term, deeply embedded damage contemporary politics has wrought on U.S. democracy and its youngest citizens. As disheartening as their conclusions sound, Lawless and Fox end with practical suggestions for how new technologies, national service programs, and well-strategized public service campaigns could generate political ambition in young people. Today's high school and college students care deeply about improving the future, and it's not too late to ensure that they view running for office as an effective way to do so.
What if Consultant Jones has had a bitter l0-year feud with Candidate Kelly over a private business deal that went bad. If Candidate Smith runs against Kelly and hires Jones, can he reasonably expect that Jones will be objective about ...
With infographics, profiles of women politicians, and wisdom and advice from women in office, this is a must-own for any woman thinking of joining the pink wave.
Clifford Berryman was a Pulitzer winner and staff political cartoonist for the Washington Post and the Washington Evening Star for the first half of the twentieth century.
This book is written to guide every potential new politician down the path of filing for, gathering support, and running for local office, whether you are a lawman, judge, politician, or concerned parent.
In the Universal Guide to Running For Office Park Cannon will guide politicians, future elected officials, and activists through the process of building, networking, and marketing yourself while running as you are. Featured in ...
Running For Local Office For Dummies is your ticket to navigating every step on the road to winning that election.
The first book to answer these urgent questions, The Cash Ceiling provides a compelling and comprehensive account of why so few working-class people hold office--and what reformers can do about it.
I Tricia Moniz also looks like an excellent candidate for public office . A sociology professor at a large university , she has won four campus - wide teaching awards , is an authority in the areas of juvenile justice and diversity ...
... 105, 172, 173 Mendelberg, Tali, 54 Menendez, Robert, 51 Miller, Anita, 143 Miller, David C., 122 Miller, George, 14 Miller, Warren E., 61 Miller, Will, 10 Minta, Michael, 9 Mishler, William, 8 Molinari, Susan, 88 Moncrief, Gary P., ...
They've already seen what you're about to see, and they've generously shared their experiences for the benefit of you and other first-time candidates for local office. This is no poli-sci class. This is "in the trenches" life experience