The Conflict of Laws addresses the jurisdiction of Courts (and whether their judgments are enforced and recognised overseas) and the effect of foreign judgments in England (whether these are recognised and enforced) . It also looks at the principles of choice of law for cases with an international element for example contracts made or performed in other jurisdictions or with other parties, torts committed overseas or by foreign parties, international fraud, property sited overseas, and family and personal matters (including marriage, divorce, and financial support) across different jurisdictions.
This new edition organizes its material in light of European legislation on private international law, reflecting the shift towards understanding private international law as European law with a common law background instead of common law ...
Harding provides students with a clear understanding using pedagogic methods such as; Key Issues checklists at the start of every chapter to help track important points for further study Figures are used to aid understanding through visual ...
The Conflict of Laws, also known as private international law, is a field of the greatest importance in an increasingly globalized world.
Weisberger, June Miller (1987) Selected Conflict of Laws Issues in Wisconsin's New Marital (Community) Property Act, 35 AM. ... Woodward, Jr., William J. (2001) Contractual Choice of Law: Legislative Choices in an Era of Party Autonomy, ...
A collection of essays on the Conflicts of Laws which were written over a period of years & were originally published in periodicals.
This text covers the broad area of private international law. The fifth edition has incorporated the major developments to have occurred in this area, including: changes brought about by statute,...
"An Epoch in the Law" The first systematic work on the subject and an indisputable legal classic, Story's Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws synthesized the standard sources of the day, both Anglo-American and Continental, analyzed them ...
This book is a detailed and up-to-date study of conflict of laws, and focuses on its three main areas: the law of obligations, law of property, and law of persons.
Commentary on the Conflict of Laws
... jurisdiction against C. Thus, in Norris v Chambres: decision of the Israeli court in divorce proceedings which dealt with ownership of a flat in London. '9 (1750) 1 Ves. 8r Sen. 444. The chairman of a company agreed to buy mines in.