Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine

Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine
Oxford University Press
Patrick Davey, David Sprigings


Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine equips trainee doctors with the essential skills and core knowledge to establish a diagnosis reliably and quickly, before outlining the management of the clinical condition diagnosed. Organised into three sections, the first provides a vital overview, whilst the second focuses on common presentations and diagnoses. Uniquely, this new book shows readers how to turn symptoms into a list of diagnoses ordered by probability - a differential diagnosis. Experienced consultants who teach trainees every day demonstrate how to derive an ordered differential diagnosis, how to narrow this down to a single diagnosis and if not, how to live with diagnostic uncertainty. The final section provides a comprehensive account of the management of system-based syndromes and diseases. Highly-structured chapters emphasize how common conditions present, how to approach a diagnosis, and how to estimate prognosis, treatment and its effectiveness. An onus is placed on the development of crucial diagnostic skills and the ability to devise evidence-based management plans quickly and accurately, making this an ideal text for core medical trainees.

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