Although the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is one of the most successful international conventions to date, it remains the case that those involved in the international sale of goods must refer to a multitude of laws. Indeed the CISG itself does not cover all issues relating to international sales contracts, so it must necessarily be supplemented by domestic law. Global Sales and Contract Law provides a truly comparative analysis of domestic laws in over sixty countries so as to deliver a global view of domestic and international sales law. The book reports on the real practice of sales law, taking into account present day problems. Complex questions on the obligations under a sales contract, the ways in which these are established, as well as the remedies following the breach of obligations, are all discussed. By addressing regional uniform projects, like OHADA, and comparing differences in domestic legal approach where the CISG would not apply, the work goes beyond existing commentaries which tend to focus only on the CISG. The analysis has been based on an unprecedented survey drawn from the world's top fifty companies as well as international traders, lawyers advising international traders, arbitral institutions, arbitrators, and law schools. This work encompasses all aspects of a sale of goods transaction and takes a wide view of sale by including general contract law. The book gives practitioners invaluable insight into judicial trends and possible solutions in different legal systems, whether preparing for litigation or drafting an international contract. Global Sales and Contract Law is the most comprehensive and thorough compilation of legal analysis in the field of the sale of goods and is a reliable source for any practitioner dealing in international commerce.
The second edition continues to provide comparative analysis of domestic laws of sale and contract in over sixty countries, delivering a global view of national and international sales law.
This book brings together the top international sales law scholars from twenty-three countries to review the Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods (CISG) and its role in the unification of global sales law.
The cases, texts and questions aid readers in their comparative law and international sales law studies, drawing attention to the particular issues surrounding specific CISG provisions and provoking careful consideration of possible ...
With its compelling combination of doctrine and theory, this book makes an ideal companion for students and legal scholars alike.
This is the third edition of an enormously useful book that guides practitioners through the process of drawing up sound agreements for the international sale of goods.
The analyses, cases, texts and questions are intended to aid readers in their comparative law and international sales law studies.
" European Review of Private Law 2017 (of the 1st edition) Almost 5 years have passed since the first edition of this popular work was published.
Written by leading experts from an international and comparative perspective, the Research Handbook is relevant to anyone with an interest in commercial sales and contract law.
Truly international in spirit, this book is analytically rigorous and practically oriented, offering distinctive analyses of, and solutions to, some of the most challenging problems surrounding contract damages.
Timely and succinct (at 528 pages), International Sales Law and Arbitration offers: an integrated approach that combines substantive contract law and dispute resolution balanced coverage of how a lawyer drafts an international sales ...