No matter how good your research and study skills, the ultimate test for the law student is the exam. In a sea of revision it can be difficult to keep your head above water, but the more preparation you do, the better equipped you will be. OUP's Questions and Answers series gives you the opportunity to practise exam technique and evaluate and assess your progress. Each book in the series is like a lifeline, offering guidance on exactly what the examiners are looking for. With advice on how answers should be structured and the key points to convey, the Q & As will benefit even the best-prepared student.
Bonus Q&As Having studied our exam advice, put your revision into practice and test your essay writing skills with our additional online questions and answers. Don't forget to check out even more revision guides and exam tools from ...
Stenton, Minters has made itself 'personally liable to pay money to [Youyang by reason of some breach of trust or default in the performance of [its] duties as trustee' (emphasis added). This appeal turns upon the significance of the ...
Equity—England—Examinations, questions, etc. 2.Trusts and trustees—England—Examinations, questions, etc. I. Ramjohn, Mohamed. Equity and trusts, 2009–2010 II.Title. KD1480.r363 2011 346.4205ʹ9076—dc22 2010036347 ISBN: 978–0–415–69592–3 ...
Commercial Law 2010-2011 Company Law 2010-2011 Constitutional & Administrative Law 2010-2011 Contract Law 2010-2011 ... Law 2010-2011 Jurisprudence 2010-2011 Land Law 2010-2011 Tort Law 2010-2011 Equity & Trusts 2010-2011 ROUTLEDGE Q&A ...
Commercial Law 2010-2011 Company Law 2010-2011 Constitutional & Administrative Law 2010-2011 Contract Law 2010-2011 ... Law 2010-2011 Jurisprudence 2010-2011 Land Law 2010-2011 Tort Law 2010-2011 Equity & Trusts 2010-2011 ROUTLEDGE Q&A ...
Commercial Law 2010-2011 Company Law 2010-2011 Constitutional & Administrative Law 2010-2011 Contract Law 2010-2011 ... Law 2010-2011 Jurisprudence 2010-2011 Land Law 2010-2011 Tort Law 2010-2011 Equity & Trusts 2010-2011 ROUTLEDGE Q&A ...
Commercial Law 2010-2011 Company Law 2010-2011 Constitutional & Administrative Law 2010-2011 Contract Law 2010-2011 ... Law 2010-2011 Jurisprudence 2010-2011 Land Law 2010-2011 Tort Law 2010-2011 Equity & Trusts 2010-2011 ROUTLEDGE Q&A ...
Mitchell, C., 'Reviewing the Register', in Foundations of Charity (C. Mitchell and S. Moody, eds), Hart Publishing, 2000, chapter 7. Rahmatian, A., 'The continued relevance of the “poor relations” and the “poor employee” cases under the ...
Makes you feel like you will pass with flying colours' (Elysia Marie Vaughan, University of Hertfordshire) 'My fellow students rave about this book' (Octavia Knapper, Lancaster University) 'The best Q&A books that I've read; the content is ...
Each Routledge Q&A contains 50 questions on topics commonly found on exam papers, with comprehensive suggested ... Law Constitutional & Administrative Law Contract Law Criminal Law Employment Law English Legal System Equity & Trusts ...