The period 1689-1901 was 'the golden age' of the sermon in Britain. Sermons out-sold other books until the mid-nineteenth century and were a key part of peoples' religious worship. Sermons influenced the outcome of elections, they challenged science and were used as vehicles for popular campaigns such as that for the abolition of slavery. The popularity of sermons should not be underestimated. Preachers attracted huge crowds, the Baptist minister Charles Spurgeonregularly preached to 5,000 people, and the popular demand for sermons was never higher. Sermons were also taken by missionaries and clergy across the British empire. Sermons varied widely in form, andthis enabled preaching to be adopted and shaped by every denomination, so that in this period most religious groups could lay claim to a sermon culture.
This handbook accesses historical, theological, rhetorical literary and linguistic studies to demonstrate the interdisciplinary strength of the field of sermon studies and to show the centrality of sermons to private and public life in this ...
William Gibson. 01051 Enlightenment Prelate Benjamin Hoadly , 1676-1761 William Gibson Enlightenment Prelate Enlightenment Prelate Benjamin Hoadly, 1676-1761 William Gibson James. Front Cover.
The Life and Thought of Lemuel Haynes, 1753-1833 John Saillant, Associate Professor of English and History John ... A Short Account of that Part of Africa, Inhabited by the Negroes, ... the Third Edition (Philadelphia: W. Dunlap, 1762; ...
This Oxford Handbook will be the definitive study of governance for years to come.
Language Learnability and Language Development [with new commentary by the author]. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Pintzuk, Susan (2019). Adding linguistic information to parsed corpora'. Linguistic Issues in Language ...
The Oxford Handbook of the Development of Imagination provides a comprehensive overview of this broad new perspective by bringing together leading researchers whose findings are moving the study of imagination from the margins of mainstream ...
The Oxford Handbook of Comic Book Studies looks at the field systematically, examining the history and evolution of the genre from a global perspective.
An international team of scholars offer a broad engagement with the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche. They discuss the main topics of his philosophy, under the headings of values, epistemology and metaphysics, and will to power.
This authoritative collection offers a detailed overview of religious ideas, structures, and institutions in the making of Europe.
This volume surveys the state of the discipline on topics of greatest importance to evangelical theology.