Literature and the Great War offers a fresh, challenging interpretation of the literature of the period, reappraising the settled assumptions through which war writing has come to be read in recent years.
Australia andJapanese Naval Assistance, 1914–18', Journal of Australian Studies12 (1983), 5–20 M. Tierney,Eoin MacNeill: Scholar and Man of Action, 1867– 1945 (Oxford, 1980) EdwardTimms, KarlKraus: Apocalyptic Satirist: Culture and ...
This vivid, detailed history of World War I presents the general reader with an accurate and readable account of the campaigns and battles, along with brilliant portraits of the leaders and generals of all countries involved.
"In this seminal work, Ian F. W. Beckett challenges the cliched images of the Great War that have come to dominate popular culture.
Published to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of Armistice, this collection is intended to be an introduction to the great wealth of First World War Poetry.
A narrative of the First World War examines the brutal conflict that transformed the face of Europe, paved the way for the Soviet Union and Hitler, and had long lasting repercussions.
A history of the Allied campaigns against the German colonies in North Africa chronicles the battles using spears, bare hands, armored cars, and airplanes in sites that were far from the main action of the war
And: It's hard to know if you're alive or dead When steel and fire go roaring through your head. ... And the feelings are authentic, whereas in Jack's Spirits there is always the sense of a pose, of the intellect saying what it would be ...
A landmark history of the war that firmly places the First World War in the context of imperialism and gives due weight to the role of non-Europeans in the conflict.
This book represents the most comprehensive history of Germany during the First World War.
... 1917', Gunfire 11/12 (1988), 2–50, 3–56 R. Pearson, The Russian Moderates and the Crisis of Tsarism, 1914–17 (London, 1977) Raymond Pearson, National Minorities in Eastern Europe, 1848–1945 (London, 1983) Susan Pederson, 'Gender, ...