Accurate and accessible, Concentrate guides enable you to take exams with confidence. Including revision tips and advice for extra marks, alongside a thorough and focussed breakdown of the key topics and cases, this guide will help you to get the most out of your revision and to maximise your performance in exams.
Evidence Concentrate
An Online Resource Centre also accompanies this book (, giving you access to the following resources: - A diagnostic test entitled 'where do I need to concentrate?' to help you identify which ...
These two revision and study guides have been packaged together to offer you great value when you're looking to get the most out of your revision.
This essential Q&A study and revision guide contains a variety of model answers and plans to give you the confidence to tackle any essay or problem question, and give you the skills you need to excel in law exams and coursework assignments.
Evidence Concentrate is written and designed to help you succeed. Accurate and reliable, Concentrate guides go above and beyond, not only consolidating your learning but focusing your revision and maximising your potential.
Makes you feel like you will pass with flying colours' (Elysia Marie Vaughan, University of Hertfordshire) 'My fellow students rave about this book' (Octavia Knapper, Lancaster University) 'The best Q&A books that I've read; the content is ...
Concentrate Questions and Answers Evidence: Law Q&A Revision and Study Guide
These features make it unique" - Godwin Tan, law student, University College London"The concentrate revision guides stand out against other revision guides" - Renae Haynes Williams, law student, Bangor University"The exam style questions ...
An illustration of the application of section 74(1) may be found in R v Robertson. Robertson was charged with conspiring with Poole and Long to commit burglaries. Poole and Long pleaded guilty to relevant substantive counts of burglary, ...
These two revision and study guides have been packaged together to offer you great value when you're looking to get the most out of your revision.