Why are we influenced by the behaviour of complete strangers? Why does the brain register similar pleasure when I perceive something as 'fair' or when I eat chocolate? Why can we be so profoundly hurt by bereavement? What are the evolutionary benefits of these traits? The young discipline of 'social cognitive neuroscience' has been exploring this fascinating interface between brain science and human behaviour since the late 1990s. Now one of its founding pioneers, Matthew D. Lieberman, presents the discoveries that he and fellow researchers have made. Using fMRI scanning and a range of other techniques, they have been able to see that the brain responds to social pain and pleasure the same way as physical pain and pleasure; and that unbeknown to ourselves, we are constantly 'mindreading' other people so that we can fit in with them. It is clear that our brains are designed to respond to and be influenced by others. For good evolutionary reasons, he argues, we are wired to be social. The implications are numerous and profound. Do we have to rethink what we understand by identity, and free will? How can managers improve the way their teams relate and perform? Could we organize large social institutions in ways that would work far better? And could there be whole new methods of education?
This book serves as the definitive reference for B2B marketers looking to master social media and take their career to the next level.
Jennifer O'Toole knows; she was one! This book is a top secret guide to all of the hidden social rules in life that often seem strange and confusing to young people with Asperger syndrome.
For beginners overwhelmed by too many choices as well as seasoned professionals eager to improve their game, The Art of Social Media is full of tactics that have been proven to work in the real world.
Steiner, Ivan D. 1954. “Primary Group Influence on Public Opinion.” American Sociological Review 19 (3): 260–67. Stern, Paul C., Thomas Dietz, Troy Abel, Gregory A. Guagnano, and Linda Kalof. 1999. “A Value-Belief-Norm Theory of Support ...
With a focus on what makes social media unique among communication platforms, this book offers practical guidance on creating, implementing, and evaluating social media strategies and tactics.
Either him or Brad Pitt. But Dan's smarter. This book is why I say that."--Chris Brogan, President of New Marketing Labs "This book demonstrates a beginning to the endless possibilities of the Social Web.
Readers learn the ways activism has changed in the Internet era. The informative text is supplemented with detailed charts and annotated quotes presenting multiple points of view.
Big, colorful photos on nearly every page make this book incredibly easy to read and use! · Learn the pros and cons of social media and how to use it safely · Find out what to share–and what not to share–on social media · Distinguish ...
Social Literacies develops new and critical approaches to the understanding of literacy in an international perspective.
Two-book set introducing Social Thinking Vocabulary concepts to upper elementary and middle school-age children