The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke: Volume IV: Party, Parliament, and the Dividing of the Whigs, 1780-1794

The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke: Volume IV: Party, Parliament, and the Dividing of the Whigs, 1780-1794
The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke
Great Britain
Oxford University Press
Edmund Burke


This fourth volume in the Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke series is also the last of the three Party and Parliament volumes, which follow Edmund Burke through from the opening of a newly elected Parliament which assembled on 31 October 1780 to his retirement from the Commons in 1794. This volume addresses Burke's views on the authority of Parliament over the British provinces in India, and his concerns about the implications of the French Revolution for British politics. He also expresses his views on issues that had always greatly interested him, such as the reform of criminal law, the confinement of debtors, and the abolition of what he regarded as outmoded economic regulations. The texts for the items, which have appeared in previous editions of Burke's Works, have been reconstructed, largely by the use of manuscripts, and many of the shorter speeches appear here in print for the first time.

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