Now revised for its third edition, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis provides a concise and practical summary of the reasoning processes behind clear and confident diagnosis. The handbook is set out systematically with symptoms and signs through each specialty, and includes a detailed description of the basis of logical evidence-based differential diagnosis. This new edition has been updated with clearer diagrams and brand new images. Including rarer diagnoses alongside the common conditions, and vital information about longer-term management alongside the initial treatments, this handbook will ensure your excellence and confidence no matter what signs and symptoms your patient presents with. Providing practical help when dealing with problems outside your area of expertise or with unforeseen situations, you can be sure that this handbook will be your perfect companion to clear and confident diagnoses throughout your medical career.
Including rarer diagnoses alongside the common conditions, and vital information about longer-term management alongside the initial treatments, this handbook will ensure your excellence and confidence no matter what signs and symptoms your ...
Helping the reader to understand or interpret what he or she finds when taking a history and examining the patient, this text can help the junior or less experienced doctor to interpret clinical information and reach a diagnosis based on ...
This handbook provides an authoritative guide to investigation and diagnosis. It describes key symptoms and signs, alongside appropriate tests, and highlights pitfalls in interpreting results.
Key study features and results are examined, while the difficulties or problems associated with the trials are outlined. This is essential reading for all medics with an interest in the fundemental evidence underpinning modern practice.
Oxford Handbook of General Practice 4e and Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis 3e
Including rarer diagnoses alongside the common conditions, and vital information about longer-term management alongside the initial treatments, this handbook will ensure your excellence and confidence no matter what signs and symptoms your ...
The Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis provides concise, practical assistance in interpreting patients' presenting symptoms, enabling students and clinicians to arrive at a confident diagnosis.
In addition, look for: •Hartnup disease •Homocystinuria•Hyperammonaemia Physical sign Possible significance Hepatosplenomegaly Egamino acid and organic acid disorders, lysosomal storage diseases (Anderson–Fabry disease31) Coarse facies ...
... Levin syn. 349 Klinefelter'ssyn.646 Klippel–Feilsyn.648 Klumpke's palsy 764 Kluver–Bucy syn. ... L. Letterer–Siwedis. (=disseminated histiocytosis)644 Leukaemia194 Leukocoria 421 Leukocytes, normal values 220.
Bennett,j.M., et al. (1985). Proposed revised criteria forthe classification of acute myeloid leukaemia. Annals oflnternal Medicine, 103, 626-9. . Bennett,j.M., et al (1985). Criteria for the diagnosis of acute leukaemia of ...