While innovation is widely recognized as being critical to organizational success and the well-being of societies, it requires careful management to ensure that innovation processes have the best possible impact. This volume provides a wide range of perspectives on the nature of innovation management and its influences.
This stream of research documents a strong positive relationship between alliance formation and innovation, across such diverse industries as chemicals (Ahuja 2000a), biotechnology (Powell et al. 1996, 1999; Walker, Kogut, and Shan 1997 ...
Presents cutting-edge theories and research from leading scholars on how to understand and manage organization change initiatives.
This Handbook seeks to be the definitive reference for the large and growing field of Open Innovation.
Building learning organizations: The design and implementation of organizational learning mechanisms. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 32, 292–305. ... Failures in organization development and change. New York: Wiley Interscience.
We therefore argue that cross-level research comes at a premium in the person-in-situation perspective. ... is studied as contingent on higher-level (typically team-level) situational influences—cross-level interaction effects.
"The Oxford Handbook of China Innovation provides a contemporary and authoritative view of the role of innovation in China's extraordinary emergence.
This handbook analyses and explores the evolution of management; the core functions and how they may have changed; its position in the culture of modern society; the institutions and ideologies that support it; and likely challenges and ...
the development of education policy as a component of the innovation- driven development path and details the ... This section examines the current incentives for innovation in China in terms of both a top- down and bottom- up process.
“Transformations in arrangements for shaping and delivering engineering projects,” in R. Miller and D. Lessard (eds.), The Strategic Management of Large Engineering Projects. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. —— and Lessard, D. (2000).
This volume is an important source of information for students, scholars, practitioners, and others interested in understanding the complexity of the group creative process and tapping the creative potential of groups and teams.