Facsimile reprint of the 1911 First edition.
This authoritative dictionary provides coverage across the field of linguistics, both the theoretical and the practical.
Poussinisme One of two conflicting currents in French art, the one supporting the balanced, intellectually rigorous art of Poussin, the other the more colourful and sensual manner of Rubens (*Rube'nisme). This dichotomy was debated at ...
Based on the 7th ed. of the Oxford dictionary of quotations. Includes extensive coverage of literary and historical quotations and contains up-to-date material from today's influential literary and cultural figures.
Offers definitions for English words and phrases, along with observations about the evolution of the dictionary since its first edition and tables that contain information for such topics as countries and chemical elements.
Previously published as: 10th ed.(Rev.), 2001 title: The concise Oxford Dictionary.
In addition to current definitions, provides an historical treatment to words and idioms included.
Fully revised and updated for the 3rd edition, the dictionary includes a wealth of new material in areas such as international relations, political science, political economy, and methodologies, as well as a chronology of key political ...
The new edition expands its coverage across a wide range of pure and applied topics, particularly at first- and second-year university levels. It also includes a new historical timeline.
Based on the acclaimed 'Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church', this is a guide for both students and the general reader. It contains over 5,000 entries, and is suitable for those with an interest in Christianity.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English