When it comes to the vagaries of language in American politics, its uses and abuses, its absurdities and ever-shifting nuances, its power to confound, obscure, and occasionally to inspire, William Safire is the language maven we most readily turn to for clarity, guidance, and penetrating, sometimes lacerating, wit. Safire's Political Dictionary is a stem-to-stern updating and expansion of the Language of Politics, which was first published in 1968 and last revised in 1993, long before such terms as Hanging Chads, 9/11 and the War on Terror became part of our everyday vocabulary. Nearly every entry in that renowned work has been revised and updated and scores of completely new entries have been added to produce an indispensable guide to the political language being used and abused in America today. Safire's definitions--discursive, historically aware, and often anecdotal--bring a savvy perspective to our colorful political lingo. Indeed, a Safire definition often reads like a mini-essay in political history, and readers will come away not only with a fuller understanding of particular words but also a richer knowledge of how politics works, and fails to work, in America. From Axis of Evil, Blame Game, Bridge to Nowhere, Triangulation, and Compassionate Conservatism to Islamofascism, Netroots, Earmark, Wingnuts and Moonbats, Slam Dunk, Doughnut Hole, and many others, this language maven explains the origin of each term, how and by whom and for what purposes it has been used or twisted, as well as its perceived and real significance. For anyone who wants to cut through the verbal haze that surrounds so much of American political discourse, Safire's Political Dictionary offers a work of scholarship, wit, insiderhood and resolute bipartisanship.
All-new for the '90s, Safire's Political Dictionary has been completely revised and updated. It makes American politics come alive, for not only does it succinctly define the most common and...
Safires Political Dictionary
A collection of more than six hundred slang terms of American political speech encompasses informative entries on such words as "boondoggle," "juice bill," and "Joe Citizen," including both the definition of the word and its historical ...
37 Dennis Hastert, Speaker: Lessons from Forty Years in Coaching and Politics (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2004), 112. 38 Kathryn Pearson, “'One Minute Attack Speeches Becoming Routine in ☆ 231 notes to Chapter 4.
In a fictional exploration of America's early political scandals, James Thomson Callender, a muckraking journalist, reveals scandals in the lives of both Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.
Displaying its sense of humor at the theft of its craft, Mencken offered this: The rat, cockroach and bedbug eradicators of the country had The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time 119.
He tells you the correct way to write and then tells you when it is all right to break the rules. In this lighthearted guide, he chooses the most common and perplexing concerns of writers new and old.
Words Of Wisdom by Megan Alexander released on Aug 25, 1989 is available now for purchase.
Dr. Howard Bogard, a Manhattan psychologist, does not think of the word as a clinical term, but as a word spread by internists asking patients, “Is there stress in your ...
David Nicolle/'Arms of the Umayyad Era: Military Technology in aTime of Change.” In l/Var and Society in the Eastern ... “The Humeima Excavation Project, Jordan: Preliminary Report of the 1993 Season. ... History of the Byzantine State.