This text explores and explains the basic mechanics of registering, maintaining and enforcing copyrights, and walks the reader through the complete process. Copyright is a form of legal protection for literary, performance and visual arts-based works, among other things. Copyright in the U.S.
is based on the Copyright Act of 1976. The book offers in-depth explanations of the act, providing readers with everyday explanations to complex law. Copyright protection can be secured under the laws of many other nations as well, and international Copyright issues are discussed. The book
emphasizes the process for registering a copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office.
The reader will be introduced to the nature and functions of intellectual property law as it relates to copyright. Intellectual property law is an intriguing, evolving body of law that seeks to create a fair balance between incentivizing public creativity, and providing a protective environment
which allows fair competition and capital opportunities. Through this book, the reader will gain an understanding of the types of property subject to copyright; how to protect and use their own and other's copyrighted property; how to complete a copyright application; the full registration process;
how to capitalize on the value of your copyright; infringement issues to look out for; and copyright as it applies to the internet and the digital age.
This booklet is intended to provide an introduction for non-specialists or new-comers to the subject of copyright and related rights.
Understanding Intellectual Property Law
McKenzie, G. and Cochrane, G. (2009) 'Paul McCartney: Pirate Bay verdict “fair”, BBC Newsbeat, 20 April. Available at: 8007000/8007950.stm McLeod, K. (2001) Owning Culture: Authorship, ...
After a comprehensive Introduction in Chapter 1, the general areas covered in the remaining chapters include: • Patents • Trade Secrets • Copyright • Trademarks, and • Other Intellectual Property Rights such as: • Design ...
Whether you are an artist, lawyer, entertainment Web site administrator, record label executive, student, or other participant in the music industry, this book will help you understand how copyright law affects you, helping you use the law ...
But how should they proceed? This book offers a new and insightful view of copyright, marking the path toward a world less encumbered by legal restrictions and yet richer in art, music, and other expressive works.
This edition has been thoroughly updated to cover copyright developments in the law since 2000.
Understanding Copyright Law, 2010
Johnson 81 Johnson, 206 F.2d 144, 146 (3d Cir.) ... Johnson Chem. Co., 589 F.2d 103, 106 (2d Cir. 1978). The court noted that this mark might even be arbitrary due to its high ... Union Nat'l Bank of Texas, 909 F.2d 839, 845 (5th Cir.
Written in a clear and engaging tone, this book covers the essential topics in a thorough but reader-friendly manner and includes plenty of real-world examples that bring business and legal concepts to life.