Functional behavioral assessment (FBA) is an important element in developing effective behavior interventions in schools. By understanding how the environment predicts and maintains problem behavior, school social workers can change those environmental conditions and facilitate positive behavior. Although FBA is traditionally applied within the context of special education, it is relevant to supporting behavior of all students in a school. In this book, the authors explore how FBA can be applied in a three-tiered model of prevention and provide tools and case examples to facilitate application. This process is described as occurring within a team context wherein the school social worker serves as a facilitator and contributor with behavioral expertise. In Tier 1, FBA is applied to the behavior of all students in a school and leads to the development of school-wide behavior interventions that are intended to prevent students from developing more serious patterns of problem behavior. In Tier-2 FBAs, the behavior of at-risk students is assessed in an efficient manner to determine which available evidence-based interventions will be effective in improving their behavior. In Tier 3, FBAs involve extensive individual assessments of the conditions that maintain the problem behavior students with significant behavior problems. This book provides detailed information about conducting FBAs at each tier of prevention and reviews the process of developing interventions from the FBA information at each tier. As initiatives encouraging positive behavior support in schools proliferate, this book will help school social workers develop the skill set necessary to maintain their role as important contributors to student outcomes.
Provides school-based mental health professionals with a user-friendly resource for conducting effective functional behavioural assessments (FBAs) and for creating appropriate behaviour intervention plans. It uses case examples to illustrate the...
Featuring a highly interactive approach, this text is noted for its exceptionally clear and thorough coverage of how to conduct a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) through various assessment methods, how to diagnose the function of ...
Written by the leading authorities in the field, this book presents a complete system for conducting FBA's, developing effective interventions, and implementing and monitoring those interventions. KEY TOPICS:...
A widely used practitioner guide and text, this book presents a blueprint for meeting the challenges of severe problem behavior in grades PreK-8.
Now I recommend this text to faculty I supervise for their courses on functional assessment and treatment planning!
*Pliant: Flexible and suitable for many uses. than interventions developed arbitrarily (e.g., Campbell, 2003; Heyvaert, Maes, Van den Noortgate, Kuppens, & Onghena, 2012; Heyvaert, Saenen, Campbell, Maes, & Onghena, 2014; Repp, Felce, ...
This invaluable book incorporates practical clinical knowledge within a didactic framework to provide a comprehensive overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) across the lifespan.
This guidebook offers a practical overview for collecting data, understanding the underlying factors of challenging behaviors, and using evidence-based interventions to correct common classroom problems.
Featuring a highly interactive approach, this text is noted for its exceptionally clear and thorough coverage of how to conduct a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) through various assessment methods, how to diagnose the function of ...
Classical conditioning: Ivan Pavlov is probably best known for his conditioning dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell. Step 1: A naturally occurring stimulus is paired with an unconditioned response. Food Salivation Unconditioned ...