American National Biography is the first new comprehensive biographical dicionary focused on American history to be published in seventy years. Produced under the auspices of the American Council of Learned Societies, the ANB contains over 17,500 profiles on historical figures written by an expert in the field and completed with a bibliography. The scope of the work is enormous--from the earlest recorded European explorations to the very recent past.
The second edition of the African American National Biography has expanded this landmark scholarship from eight to twelve volumes.
African American National Biography
African American National Biography
The volume will also feature a preface by the editors, an introductory essay by historian Cary D. Wintz, and 75 illustrations.
From Esteban, the earliest known African to set foot in North America in 1528, right up to the continuing careers of Venus and Serena Williams, these stories of the renowned and the near forgotten give us a new view of American history.
Bush highlighted his attachment to the flag by paying a campaign visit in September to the Annin and Co. flag factory in Bloomfield, New Jersey, and making an appearance at the Flag City Festival in Findlay, Ohio.
The African American National Biography presents history through a mosaic of the lives of thousands of individuals, illuminating the abiding influence of persons of African descent on the life of...
The Bomb got the press, but napalm did the work. Robert Neer offers the first history.
This book brings together practitioners from around the English‑speaking world to reflect on national biographical dictionary projects’ recent cultural journeys, and the challenges presented to them by such developments as the ...
A moving exploration of what it means to be an American born and reared abroad