As globalization has deepened in recent years, historians have begun to see that many of the global challenges we face today first drew serious attention in the 1960s. This book examines how the Johnson presidency responded to these problems and draws out the lessons for today.
How confident can we be about anyone's ability to foresee the future?' This volume brings together a representative group of interpreters of the Cold War to address some of the recurrent questions.
Beyond the Cold War represents the first-ever attempt by media scholars and journalists to dissect the Cold War by examining mutual media images in the United States and the former...
Neutral States and the Post-Cold War International System Pascal Lottaz, Heinz Gärtner, Herbert R. Reginbogin. 54. Thomas Ruttig, “Ghani's remarks at ... Anthony Cordesman, “The Afghan War in 2013: Meeting the Challenges of Transition.
“ Disorder Restored . " In Rethinking American Security , ed . Graham Allison and Gregory Treverton . New York : W. W. Norton . Midlarsky , Manus . 1988. The onset of World War . Boston : Unwin . Modelski , George . 1964. “ Kautilya .
Beyond the Cold War: A New Approach to the Arms Race and Nuclear Annihilation
In this book a group of influential and distinguished scholars analyse some of the key questions in contemporary international relations. The book is in three parts.
The essays, written by leading scholars in the field of International Relations, caters for a variety of constituencies: those who seek the `big picture' in understanding the Third World in International Relations, those who look for ...
Beyond the Cold War: Conflict and Cooperation in the Third World
Beyond the Cold War in the Pacific
... would not deploy Cruise and Pershing in return for the withdrawal of Soviet INF, was seen simply as a means of supporting western governments establish coalitions strong enough to support the deployment of INF (Haslam, 1989, pp.