Explores why the political similarities between New Zealand and the United States--including democratic politics, mixed-enterprise economies, a deep concern for human rights and the rule of law and more--have taken on different forms.
"--Stephen Macedo, Princeton University "This is one of the very best philosophical treatments of libertarian thought, ever. John Tomasi cements his position as one of Americas leading social and political philosophers.
Two new bargaining games, called "Freedom to Punish (FTP)" and "Right and Choice to Punish (RAP)", are developed, analyzed and tested by means of an experimental implementation.
Anthony de Jasay, one of the most independent thinkers and influential libertarian political philosophers of our time, challenges the reigning paradigms justifying modern democratic government. The articles collected in this...
Through this book, we will explore this remarkable journey of transformation and its implications on contemporary society in India.
Use this book to induce change, quits, and removals from office.Visit EddiePeyer.com for PDF Preview, to view the Architects Chart as Discovered by Eddie Peyer
It deals with a wide and far-reaching landscape of theories and concepts and their practical application to the day-to-day operations of the tribunals in New South Wales, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory.The study is extensive ...
There are many publications about the need to limit population growth.
That’s the provocative argument Peter Corning makes in The Fair Society. Drawing on the evidence from our evolutionary history and the emergent science of human nature, Corning shows that we have an innate sense of fairness.
We all simply take the word 'fair' for granted. In this polemical guide to fairness, Ben Fenton explains the meaning of the word, how it fits into our genetic make-up and why we need our innate sense of fair play now more than ever.
The greatest northern freedom song was Julia Ward Howe's " Battle Hymn of the Republic . " It derived from an army ballad , said to have been invented ( or more likely improved ) in a Massachusetts regiment as a " jibe " against a ...