The editors, Rosemary Gartner and Bill McCarthy, have assembled a diverse cast of criminologists, historians, legal scholars, psychologists, and sociologists from a number of countries to discuss key concepts and debates central to the field. The Handbook includes examinations of the historical and contemporary patterns of women's and men's involvement in crime; as well as biological, psychological, and social science perspectives on gender, sex, and criminal activity. Several essays discuss the ways in which sex and gender influence legal and popular reactions to crime. An important theme throughout The Handbook is the intersection of sex and gender with ethnicity, class, age, peer groups, and community as influences on crime and justice. Individual chapters investigate both conventional topics - such as domestic abuse and sexual violence - and topics that have only recently drawn the attention of scholars - such as human trafficking, honor killing, gender violence during war, state rape, and genocide.
Extending beyond the existing scholarly research on the topic, this volume teases out the key debates, controversies, and challenges involved in addressing sex crimes.
The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Politics contains and reflects the best scholarship in its field.
Crimes violate the conscience collective either directly or in virtue of being offences against the state. ... Crime and punishment, for Durkheim, are important in so far as they set this moral circuitry in motion.
Selected essays draw on reason as a distinct source of theology, discussing evolutionary biology and behavioural genetics, psychology, anthropological research, philosophical research, and queer theory.
This handbook explores organized crime, which it divides into two main concepts and types: the first is a set of stable organizations illegal per se or whose members systematically engage in crime, and the second is a set of serious ...
Here a classic example is Kate Cooper's study of tropes of femininity in the Apocryphal Acts. Cooper draws the conclusion that βthe challenge by the apostle to the householder is the urgent message of these narratives, ...
Carrie Brown, Rosie's Mom: Forgotten Women Workers of the First World War (Boston: Northeastern University, 2002), 179β80. 8. Victoria Wolcott, Remaking Respectability: African American Women in Interwar Detroit (Chapel Hill: University ...
... as well as in the book Reworking Gender (Sage, 2004). her most recent project investigates the historical and contemporary evolution of professional identities in the context of commercial aviation. Barbara Bagilhole is professor of ...
Alongside these essays are boxes which highlight particularly innovative ideas or controversial topics β such as cybercrime, restorative justice, campus crime, and media depictions.
The Oxford Handbook of Sexual Conflict in Humans is the first volume to assemble the latest theoretical and empirical work on sexual conflict in humans from the leading scholars in the fields of evolutionary psychology and anthropology.