Explains Americans' contradictory expectations of the role of the president and offers suggestions for improving the presidency despite the public's dissatisfaction with and the seemingly impossible duties and challenges of the office. UP.
Paradoxes of the American Presidency Ie
Leadership Matters offers a different view of leadership - one that builds community and responds creatively to new situations.
A memo from Mann to Rusk was routed to the president late in February. Mann predicted that there would be no uprising or disaffections in the Cuban army, that the invasion brigade would fail to maintain a lodgment, and that Kennedy's ...
what we claim is true, if presidents really do care so much about power, then why don't we see them pursuing it even more aggressively? Why don't we witness our presidents nearly every night claiming new powers over new policy ...
Trump came into office claiming particular knowledge and expertise at negotiation, and criticizing his predecessors for poor deal-making for the United States. His negotiating philosophy supposedly stems from his first, and most famous, ...
... 105–6, 127 pinker, stephen, 170n34 platow, Michael J., 168n5 poindexter, John, 52 poland, 34 potsdam Conference, 41 powell, Colin, 142 power, samantha, 170n39 prisoner's dilemma, 92 progressive era, 30 project solarium, 46 prudence, ...
Examines how the president balances the competing demands of leading his political party and leading the nation.
In this book, thoughtful, nonpartisan essays provide an insightful and lasting analysis of one of the major political events of our time.
These essays by political scientists provide “an effective snapshot of where the presidency appears to be heading in the 21st century . . . thoughtful insights” (Choice Magazine).
The book follows a clear format and tries to show why America’s officeholders have so rarely been leaders and how presidents can become leaders instead of mere officeholders.