This title provides a detailed portrait of pagan society during the pivotal fourth and early fifth centuries. The subject of the book is not the conversion of the last pagans but rather the duration, nature, and consequences of their survival.
The Final Pagan Generation recounts the fascinating story of the lives and fortunes of the last Romans born before the Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity.
A Chronicle of the Last Pagans is a history of the triumph of Christianity in the Roman Empire as told from the perspective of the defeated: the adherents of the...
This provoked the anger of the Christians, who raised accusations against him as a persecutor. In The Last Pagan Emperor, these claims are carefully investigated.
Students of the Roman Empire...should read this book.”--Robert J, Penella, Classical World "A distinguished book with much exact observation.
Histoire', Paris 2012). The debate, then, in the course of less than a year, has gained new, effervescent relevance.
This book sheds new light on the religious and consequently social changes taking place in late antique Rome.
CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHERS Maël Goarzin Pagan and Christian literature in Late Antiquity have one major point in common, ... For Michael Stuart Williams, Authorised Lives in Early Christian Biography: Between Eusebius and Augustine ...
Brown, The Body and Society, xlvi. See also xliii (“Among the Greco-Roman notables . . . the bodies of men and women were mobilized against death. They were asked to produce, in an orderly fashion, orderly children to man the walls of ...
Examines the basis for the accusations made by pagan Romans against the Christians and discusses the reactions of the Christians to these charges
O’Donnell tells the familiar story of Christianity’s heroic age of expansion, from Constantine to Theodosius, with verve and wit.”—Wall Street Journal For hundreds of years, religious and spiritual pluralism thrived in the Roman ...