Obstetric Anesthesia

Obstetric Anesthesia
Obstetric Anesthesia
Oxford University Press
Craig M. Palmer, Robert D'Angelo, Michael J. Paech


In the United States, over half of pregnant women receive some form of anesthesia for their deliveries; this translates into well over 2 million anesthetics per year. With this new handbook, anesthesiologists have easy access to step-by-step, to-the-point information on how to manage patients in specific situations. Every aspect of obstetric anesthesia practice is covered, including patient evaluation, anesthesia for labor and delivery, anesthesia for cesarean delivery, management of patients with concurrent medical problems, management of obstetric emergencies, fetal assessment, and neonatal resuscitation. Distilled, synthesized text is complemented by a generous number of tables, charts, figures and flow diagrams, all presented in accessible handbook format. Obstetric Anesthesia is an ideal introduction to the specialty as well as an essential daily guide for obstetric patient care and management.

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