Since first appearing in 1998, Garner's Modern American Usage has established itself as the preeminent guide to the effective use of the English language. Brimming with witty, erudite essays on troublesome words and phrases, this book authoritatively shows how to avoid the countless pitfalls that await unwary writers and speakers whether the issues relate to grammar, punctuation, word choice, or pronunciation. Now in the third edition, readers will find the "Garner's Language-Change Index," which registers where each disputed usage in modern English falls on a five-stage continuum from nonacceptability (to the language community as a whole) to acceptability, giving the book a consistent standard throughout. Garner's Modern American Usage, 3e is the first usage guide ever to incorporate such a language-change index, and the judgments are based both on Garner's own original research in linguistic corpora and on his analysis of hundreds of earlier studies. Another first in this edition is the panel of critical readers: 120-plus commentators who have helped Garner reassess and update the text, so that every page has been improved.
Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Ltd., 1999. Chalker, Sylvia; and Edmund S.C. Weiner. The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. Crystal, David. Making Sense of Grammar. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education, ...
The first spelling , he needed to be ” ( Forbes ) . which is more common , is preferred beDoubt whether is used primarily in cause it retains the name of the main affirmative statements ( again , though , ingredient ( though on this ...
Harlow, Essex, UK: Pearson Education, 1999. Brown, Goold. The Grammar of English Grammars. 10th ed. New York: William Wood, 1851. Chalker, Sylvia, and Edmund S. C. Weiner. The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar.
The word derives from the Latin understood in a derogatory sense ; those who do verb inchoare “ to hitch with ; to begin . ” Yet , betend to use a phrase such as ethical wall . cause it was misunderstood as being a negative In conflict ...
Contains rules and advice for improved effectiveness in written and oral English and a section explaining common grammatical errors
This book will help you: • Push past writer’s block • Grab—and keep—readers’ attention • Earn credibility with tough audiences • Trim the fat from your writing • Strike the right tone • Brush up on grammar, punctuation, ...
... xiv, xv Rogers, James, 165 Rogers, James Steven, 696 Rogers, John M., 38–39 Rohter, Larry, 267 Rolcik, Karen Ann, 660 Romerdahl, Elena, 712 Roney, Paul Hitch, 768 Roper, R.S. Donnison, 155 Rose, Amanda M., 455 Rose, David, 793 Rose, ...
In response, Hull presented two specialists in posttraumatic stress disorder, Dr. Chester B. Scrignar and Dr. Marco Mariotto. Dr. Scrignar has published many articles and two books dealing with anxiety disorders, including posttraumatic ...
WRITER'S BEST FRIEND PACK: Garner's Modern American Usage
The Gregg Reference Manual 9e by William Sabin is intended for anyone who writes, edits, or prepares material for distribution or publication.