With its unique human-rights perspective on the study of childhood victimization and an innovative, child-inclusive restorative justice model, this book promises to be a touchstone for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers concerned with children's well-being in the aftermath of crime and violence.
This text focuses on families and children whose primary recourse to services has been through publicly funded child welfare agencies, and considers historical areas of service--foster care and adoptions, in-home family-centered services, ...
Guidelines for Establishing a Special Youth Protection Program for Native People
Elizabeth Torres Herrera (in private correspondence with van Wormer of December, 2015) describes how her mother, now living in Iowa, maintains her cultural heritage (Figure 2.1): Learning about our traditional cuisine and observing and ...
Making an Impact: Children and Domestic Violence: A Reader
The Children of the Poor
Addressing the Program and Personnel Crisis in Child Welfare: A Social Work Response
( Washington , DC : National Women's Law Center , 2006 ) 57 The Annie E. Casey Foundation , KIDS COUNT State Level Data Online , www.kidscount.org 43 National Women's Law Center . " Women and Children Last - Again : An Analysis of the ...
Protocol for the Conduct of Child Protection Case Conferences
Child Care and Family Support: Choices for the Church : a Discussion Paper
Foster Care for Children in Ireland: Issues and Challenges for the 1990s