Women and Politics in a Global World, Third Edition, is the only text that offers a cross-national and comparative examination of the impact of women on politics--and the impact of politics on women. Sarah L. Henderson and Alana S. Jeydel carefully consider women's participation in institutionalized politics, social protest, and nationalist, fundamentalist, and revolutionary movements. To help make the material more accessible to students, the authors unify their discussions around four core areas: * The assurance of women's safety and autonomy * Reproductive rights and health care for mothers and children * Equal access to employment and public resources * Women's access to political institutions and positions of authority
Despite increased international rhetoric in support of women's equality, women currently comprise a disproportionate share of the world's illiterate, poor, displaced, underpaid, underemployed, and underrepresented populations. And though women have...
Governing in a Global World captures the panorama of women governing around the world.
In addition to describing worldwide themes, the book acknowledges differences among women through attention to intersectionality and heterogeneity among women.
This book provides the first comprehensive account of this phenomenon, exploring how women came to give these experiences a name: violence against women in politics.
This is the first book to analyse the complexities of women's political participation on a cross-national scale and from a feminist perspective.
First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
This book shines a light on the issues of governance, rights and the injustices that are meted out to an ever growing and vulnerable sector of the global migrant community – women.
The United States Experiment with Polygamy: The Case of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints In the 1830s, Joseph Smith, leader of the Church of Latter-Day Saints reported he received a visitation from God that directed men ...
Key features and benefits of the book: Introduces students to the wide variety of feminist and gender theory and explains the relevance to contemporary global politics.
That definition follows Michael Doyle's (Doyle 1986: 12, 19) renowned work on the subject, except that my conception is politically formal and direct. I do not include “informal” empires (Gallagher and Robinson 1953; Doyle 1986).