In this important work of deep learning and insight, David Brundage gives us the first full-scale history of Irish nationalists in the United States. Beginning with the brief exile of Theobald Wolfe Tone, founder of Irish republican nationalism, in Philadelphia on the eve of the bloody 1798 Irish rebellion, and concluding with the role of Bill Clinton's White House in the historic 1998 Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland, Brundage tells a story of more than two hundred years of Irish American (and American) activism in the cause of Ireland. The book, though, is far more than a narrative history of the movement. Brundage effectively weaves into his account a number of the analytical themes and perspectives that have transformed the study of nationalism over the last two decades. The most important of these perspectives is the "imagined" or "invented" character of nationalism. A second theme is the relationship of nationalism to the waves of global migration from the early nineteenth century to the present and, more precisely, the relationship of nationalist politics to the phenomenon of political exile. Finally, the work is concerned with Irish American nationalists' larger social and political vision, which sometimes expanded to embrace causes such as the abolition of slavery, women's rights, or freedom for British colonial subjects in India and Africa, and at other times narrowed, avoiding or rejecting such "extraneous" concerns and connections. All of these themes are placed within a thoroughly transnational framework that is one of the book's most important contributions. Irish nationalism in America emerges from these pages as a movement of great resonance and power. This is a work that will transform our understanding of the experience of one of America's largest immigrant groups and of the phenomenon of diasporic or "long-distance" nationalism more generally.
Irish Nationalism and the American Contribution
The American Irish have traditionally participated in Irish national liberation struggles, an involvement stretching back to the 1840s. This work is the most complete survey of sources covering this participation....
In American Slavery, Irish Freedom, Angela F. Murphy examines the interactions among abolitionists, Irish nationalists, and American citizens as the issues of slavery and abolition complicated the first transatlantic movement for Irish ...
This is a book about Irish nationalism and how Irish nationalists developed their own conception of the Irish race.
tified self-government for his country on the grounds that the Irish were a “white race. ... See also Nelson, Irish Nationalists and the Making of the Irish Race, 148, 175, for a discussion of Childers's belief in Ireland's ...
Surely, the historian Thomas Babington Macaulay declared, “The position which Mr. O'Connell holds in the eyes of his fellow- countrymen is a position such as no popular leader in the whole history of mankind ever occupied.
Inevitably, this work tackles the question of what it means to be Irish—to have a nationality, a community, or a shared history.
... see Akenson's 'No Petty People: Pakena History and the Historiography of the Irish Diaspora', in A Distant Shore: Irish Migration & New Zealand Settlement, ed. Lyndon Fraser (Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 2000).
"As Ireland's oldest revolutionary movement and America's oldest transatlantic nationalist organization this is the first book covering the entire history of Clan na Gael.
148 William Seward to Charles Francis Adams, December 14, 1867, despatch no. 2108, FRUS 1868, 1:49. 149 Ramón, Provisional Dictator, 234–235; John Savage to William Seward, November 11, 1867, H. Ex. Doc. No. 157, 40th Cong., 2nd Sess., ...