This title contests the received wisdom in the field of social psychology that suggests that social perception and judgment are generally flawed, biased, and powerfully self-fulfilling.
A complete set of tools for analyzing any social problem.
This book can bring constructionist perspectives into college classrooms because it offers an accessible overview of these perspectives that is interdisciplinary in scope and historically current in examples.
The guides describe and give direction to the continued expansion of Prepare methods, offering practitioners coherent, evidence-based approaches for enhancing the social, emotional, and decision-making abilities of adolescents and younger ...
Occupational prestige in comparative perspective . New York : Academic Press . [ 25 ] Abbott , W. , and Kenkel , W. F. ( 1987 ) . The use of paired comparisons in the prestige ranking of occupations . Humboldt Journal of Social ...
This work contains pairs of stories, themed for young people aged from 11 to 18, that illustrate everyday situations from two different perspectives.
But how accurate are our impressions and when does such accuracy matter? How is accuracy achieved and are some of us more successful at achieving it than others?