This handbook provides a comprehensive survey of what is now known about psychological development, from birth to biological maturity, and it highlights how cultural, social, cognitive, neural, and molecular processes work together to yield human behavior and changes in human behavior.
This handbook provides a comprehensive survey of what is now known about psychological development, from birth to biological maturity, and it highlights how cultural, social, cognitive, neural, and molecular processes work together to yield ...
This two-volume handbook provides a comprehensive survey of what is now known about psychological development, from birth to biological maturity, and it highlights how cultural, social, cognitive, neural, and molecular processes work ...
This volume synthesizes and integrates the broad literature in the subdisciplines of developmental psychology in such areas as biological development, behavioural genetics, visual development, auditory and musical development, object ...
This handbook surveys clinical and educational considerations related to the foundations, models, special topics, and practice of psychological assessment.
Cholinergic and electrical synapses between synergistic spinal motoneurons in the Xenopus laevis embryo. ... In P. S. G. Stein, S. Grillner, A. I. Selverston, & D. G. Stuart (Eds.), Neurons, networks and motor behavior (Chapter 7, pp.
The role of play in human development has long been the subject of controversy. This book examines the development of children's play through a rigorous and multidisciplinary approach.
The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Psychology synthesizes these decades of literature in one extraordinary volume.
In addition, most CCTs target the cash transfer to mothers based on evidence that money controlled by mothers, in contrast to fathers, is more likely to be spent on goods and services for children (Thomas, 1990, 1993).
of elementary school children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ... Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 48, 484–500. ... Parent-teen therapy for executive function deficits and ADHD.
This underscores the general assumption guiding most modern developmental theories: Development "happens" through a process of systemic interactions within and between the individual and the environment, over time (cf.