In today's financial world overwhelmed by capital market upheaval, it is important to understand the intricacies of new regulation, and individuals must have a strong foundation in how capital markets function, as well as how financial instruments and derivatives work. Capital Markets, Derivatives, and the Law provides readers with the foundation necessary to make informed, well-reasoned decisions about capital market participation, derivative utilization, and adherence to existing and future regulations. This publication is an essential guide for attorneys and business professionals seeking an accessible resource to better comprehend the legal and business considerations of capital markets and derivatives transactions, while offering expert insight into how derivatives work. In this book, Alan N. Rechtschaffen explores the structures of derivatives as well as how they are regulated and litigated. In addition, he provides useful definitions, case law examples, and insight into structures, regulation, and litigation strategies. This Second Edition analyzes the state of the capital markets from the perspective of the acute crisis back in 2008 to the present evolution, providing the reader with the tools to recognize vulnerabilities in capital market trading activities that existed before the crisis, and those that face our global economy now, and into the future.
This work examines both the UK and international regulation, as well as the case law and legislation affecting a wide spectrum of modern financial techniques.
U.S. Regulation of the International Securities and Derivatives Markets offers authoritative answers to just about any question you'll face on such topics as: Recent legal developments, including the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act on financial ...
This book provides the framework for a course in the law and regulation of derivatives.
Detailing the characteristics of derivatives which act as the functional form of speculative capital in financial markets, this text shows the way for solving a pressing problem currently facing regulators and practitioners of capital ...
The book is updated to reflect the LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) practice and sovereign debt short selling restrictions and significant case law on Marshalling and ISDA Master Agreements.
This is the only desk reference covering all U.S. laws and regulations affecting international securities offerings and foreign participants in U.S. capital markets.
It also explains the new regulatory system in the UK, with specific reference to the regulation of financial derivatives, and the new code for the taxation of derivatives in the UK. As with all previous editions, the sixth edition presents ...
10 The first step to understanding new regulation is appreciating how the capital markets function and how financial instruments and derivatives work. Making informed economic, regulatory, and legal decisions requires facts about the ...
This important work should be read by lawyers, economists and regulators in the field.
India, with the second largest Muslim population in the world, has witnessed some experiments largely outside its formal financial system, such as AICMEU and Bait-un-Nasr. The Islamic microfinance institutions in Bangladesh have been ...