Epistemology has long mesmerized its practitioners with numerous puzzles. What can we know, and how can we know it? In Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction, Alvin Goldman, one of the most noted contemporary epistemologists, and Matthew McGrath, known for his work on a wide range of topics in the field, have joined forces to delve into these puzzles. Featuring a clear and engaging writing style and intriguing examples, Epistemology surveys both traditional and emerging topics in depth, acquainting students not only with the history of the field but also its new developments and directions. The first half of the book examines core questions about the nature and structure of justification and knowledge, skepticism, and the Gettier problem, paying careful attention to reliabilism, evidentialism, contextualism, pragmatic encroachment, knowledge-first epistemology, and "dogmatism" about perceptual justification. The second half provides lively excursions into such new topics as the relevance of cognitive science to epistemology, the prospects for experimental philosophy, and the evidential status of intuitions. The authors open coverage of each topic with an introduction for beginners and then move on to analyses suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
Pearson Baccalaureate Essentials is the first IB series written specifically for EAL students.
Dans son ouvrage intitulé La dynamique de la science Larry Laudan développe une nouvelle approche du progrès scientifique, en termes de traditions de recherche.
Plato's Theory of Knowledge
This new, revised edition of Kant's Prolegomena includes selections from the Critique of Pure Reason (which fill out and explicate some of Kant's central arguments), together with the first reviews of the Critique, to which Kant responded ...
This volume comprises three distinct investigations into the relationship between the nature & the value of knowledge.
Vitenskap, rasjonalitet og common sense
This scholarly edition-the first critical edition of Hume's works-provides for each text a historical introduction, a statement of editorial policies and principles, historically oriented annotations, extensive bibliography, and a ...
Spine title: --the fifth revolution.
Sowohl 77 Thomas Metzinger , in : Sybille Krämer , Geist - Gehirn - künstliche Intelligenz , Berlin 1994 , Seite 4iff 78 a . a . O. , Seite 46 79 Wolf Singer , in : Sybille Krämer . Geist - Gehirn - künstliche Intelligenz , Seite 165ff ...
Tradisi falsafah ilmu: penghantar sejarah dan falsafah sains