"According to Cimino and Smith, the new upsurge of atheists is a reaction to the revival of religious fervor in American politics since 1980. Feeling overlooked and underrepresented in the public sphere, atheists have employed a wide variety of strategies--some evangelical, some based on identity politics--to defend and assert themselves against their ideological opponents. These strategies include building and maintaining communities, despite the absence of the kinds of shared rituals, texts, and laws that help to sustain organized religions. Drawing on in-depth interviews with self-identified atheist, secularist, and humanist leaders and activists, as well as extensive observations and analysis of secular gatherings and media, Cimino and Smith illustrate how atheists organize and align themselves toward common goals, and how media--particularly web-based media--have proven invaluable in connecting atheists to one another and in creating a powerful virtual community. Cimino and Smith suggest that secularists rely not only on the Internet for community-building, but on their own new forms of ritual."--Publisher's Web site.
This book is based on interviews with atheist leaders and participants as well as observations and analysis of secular gatherings and media.
Atheism: Atheist Organizations and Activism What are the main beliefs of atheism?
This book is not simply about becoming a medium. Although that aspect of the book certainly adds some comic relief, it is about the pursuit of happiness, love, and enlightenment when the odds are stacked against you having any of that.
... false stereotypes and biases that curtail the contributions they have to offer, bring enormous creative resources to American public life. ... It is an argument about the cost we pay as a nation because of that discrimination.
Throughout this book, Harris argues that there is more to understanding reality than science and secular culture generally allow, and that how we pay attention to the present moment largely determines the quality of our lives.
This is a story of awakening to the realities of Spirit and what might happen while racing down the rabbit hole of weirdness called modern metaphysics (physics of love).
This is one man’s confession. In his classic Buddhism Without Beliefs, Stephen Batchelor offered a profound, secular approach to the teachings of the Buddha that struck an emotional chord with Western readers.
And post-hole diggers and seed sowers are mighty important in the building ofthe Kingdom. That's all that most of us can do. Let's face it, Cash is no C. S. Lewis. But when I'm traveling down that long stretch of lonesome, ...
This book could have been titled “The Book of Tolerance.” The psychologist author recognizes that each of us learned a lot of traditions and beliefs when too young to evaluate them.
A national bestseller and acclaimed guide to Buddhism for beginners and practitioners alike In this simple but important volume, Stephen Batchelor reminds us that the Buddha was not a mystic who claimed privileged, esoteric knowledge of the ...