A twelve-year-old boy experiences challenges and hardships in the wild country between Yosemite and Sequoia in 1907.
FROGGIE: Forest Reserves of Ghana
JOHN H. BORK , General Manager - Woodlands , Brown Company Berlin , New Hampshire Also dependent on the forests for income are those who sell goods and services to forest recreationists . These include businesses near forests , such as ...
Friends of the Earth: The Rainforest Harvest Sustainable Strategies for Saving the Tropical Forests
Wildlife Conservation in the South-east Forests of New South Wales
National Forest Strategy ``Sustainable Forests: A Canadian Commitment'': Prepared by the Blue Ribbon Panel for the National Forest Strategy Coalition
Stratigie Nationale Sur Les Forjts: "Durabiliti Des Forjts: Un Engagement Canadien"
The Youth Guide to Forests is part of YUNGA's Learning and Action Series which seeks to raise awareness, educate and inspire young people to take action.
Describes forests and uses of wood products in history and today. Describes types of forests, forest dwellers, environmental dangers to forests (e.g. acid rain, forest fires, excessive logging) and ways to save and preserve forests.
La situation des forêts a commencé à préoccuper la "communauté internationale" pendant les années 1980 avec la publication notamment des rapports sur l'États des forêts de 1980, 1990 et 2000 par la FAO.