... 337-13-1248 Last Name Lavatto Lancaster McGrath Park York Thibodeaux Warren Ritchie Lanham Sparks Lambrusco Oxley ... Columbia Pike Ridgelake 136 Silver Circle # 10 Altamont 146 Burges Lane Smithfield 538 S. George Street Ridgelake ...
SQL for Microsoft Access (2nd Edition) provides a guide to getting the most out of Microsoft Access through the use of Structured Query Language.
The material in this book covers everything needed to become proficient in Access. In writing this guide, we have been very careful to make this tutorial a generic one, not based on any particular version of the application.
By the end of this book, you'll have learned the essentials of Office business apps and be ready to work with them to boost your productivity.
This book helps you harness the power of the database with a solid understanding of their purpose, construction, and application.
You're beyond the basics, so dive right into Access 2013 and use your skills to create sophisticated database apps!
Learn the simplest ways to get things done with Microsoft Access 2013 Get the full-color, visual guide that makes learning Microsoft Access 2013 plain and simple!
What is this book about?Expert One-on-One Microsoft Access Application Development teaches Access developers best practices for building effective Access-based applications.
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Experience learning made easy—and quickly teach yourself how to build your own database with Access 2013.
Di dalam buku ini, kita akan membahas step by step tentang penggunaan Microsoft Access 2016 sehingga kita betul-betul jago dalam menguasai program tersebut.