Part of the Addison-Wesley world student series, this volume accompanies Using Computer Tools for Electric Circuits and is a comprehensive textbook for an introductory course in electric circuit analysis.
Designed for use in a one or two-semester Introductory Circuit Analysis or Circuit Theory Course taught in Electrical or Computer Engineering Departments. Electric Circuits 9/e is...
This edition also provides PSpice and Simulink examples to demonstrate electric circuit simulations. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Robust media offerings, renders this text to be the most comprehensive and student-friendly approach to linear circuit analysis out there.
As with other textbooks in the series, the format of this book enables the student to work at their own pace. It includes numerous worked examples throughout the text and graded exercises, with answers, at the end of each section.
The emphasis of the book is on basic concepts, using mathematical equations only as needed. Analogies to everyday life are used throughout the book in order to make the material easier to understand.
Lessons in Electric Circuits: An Encyclopedic Text & Reference Guide (6 Volumes Set)
Revisions made throughout the text to improve clarity. The text contains 120 new problems, brining the total number to more than 1,350. This edition uses a progression of problem types that range in difficulty.
Tough Test Questions?
Modern Tools for Tomorrow’s Innovators Along with a conceptual approach to the material, this truly modern text uses PSpice simulations with schematic Capture® as well as MATLAB® commands to give students hands-on experience with the ...
The book has remained popular due to its success in implementing three themes throughout the text: (1) It builds an understanding of concepts based on information the student has previously learned; (2) The text helps stress the ...