This book provides the definitive description of the JDBC API, the technology that enables universal data access for the Java programming language. This new edition has been updated and expanded to cover all of the JDBC 2.0 API, including the JDBC 2.0 core API and the JDBC Standard Extension API, the package that facilitates building server-side applications. Containing in-depth explanations that go beyond the specification, this complete resource pairs a step-by-step tutorial with a comprehensive reference to all of the classes and interfaces. For those new to Java technology, this book includes an introduction to the Java programming language and to SQL. It builds on this basic knowledge to walk you through creating a JDBC application - from setting up a database and establishing a connection to retrieving values from result sets and using prepared statements. In addition, the authors provide many examples along the way that demonstrate how to execute common tasks. It then proceeds to more advanced topics, focusing on the new features of the JDBC 2.0 API, including scrollable and updatable result sets, batch updates, SQL3 data types, custom mapping, and more.
From the creators of the JDBC API at JavaSoft, here is the definitive guide to this vital new technology. Appropriate for Java programmers of all skill levels, this book provides...
Written by the developers of JDBC, this text provides a description of the JDBC API.
... Hernandez, Hughes, Longo, Rouiller, and Wilde ISBN 0131477498 Do It Wrong Quickly: How the Web Changes the Old Marketing Rules Moran I ISBN 0132255960 Irresistible! Markets, Models, and Meta-Value in Consumer Electronics Bailey and ...
You should also be familiar with the relational database features described in JDBC API Tutorial and Reference, Third Edition, Maydene Fisher et al. (Addison-Wesley, 2003). How to Read This Tutorial The Java EE 5 platform is quite large ...
This book illustrates how to use the JMS API to build applications that create, send, receive, and read messages.
In this book, leading JDBC expert Art Taylor combines an expert JDBC tutorial and a definitive API reference that provides thorough and detailed coverage of the new JDBC 3.0 standard.
... java.awt , java.beans Patrick Chan , Rosanna Lee , Doug Kramer The JavaTM Class Libraries , Second Edition , Volume 1 ... Beth Stearns , Mark Johnson , Enterprise Team Designing Enterprise Applications with the JavaTM 2 Platform ...
This book is a complete and authoritative tutorial and reference on MySQL for Java and takes a hands-on, code-intensive approach so you can learn how to build sophisticated Web database applications.
Plenty of JDBC resources are available; I'll mention some of the books, tools, and Web sites devoted to JDBC. JDBC. Books. These are useful and practical books about JDBC topics: • JDBC API Tutorial and Reference, Third Edition by ...
... java.awt , java.beans Patrick Chan , Rosanna Lee , Doug Kramer The JavaTM Class Libraries , Second Edition ... Eric Jendrock , Monica Pawlan , Beth Stearns The J2EETM Tutorial Rick Cattell , Jim Inscore , Enterprise Partners J2EETM ...