This edition features: tear-out drug cards providing instant access to information on 40 essential drugs; multidisciplinary interventions which teach students how other health-care fields interact with nursing; and new and...
(1994). Art and aesthetics of nursing. New York: National League for Nursing. Leininger, M., & Watson, J. (Eds.). (1990). The caring imperative in education. New York: National League for Nursing. Taylor, R., & Watson ...
This new edition continues to retain the reader-friendly style, emphasis on therapeutic communication, and the nursing process organization that was successful in the previous edition.
Based on the successful NCLEX-RN EXCEL methodology used in the Drexel University program, this is the only review book to utilize the unfolding case study approach to help you master test content.
“ Wellness is a bridge that takes people into realms far beyond treatment or therapy — into a domain of self - responsibility and self - empowerment ” ( Ryan & Travis , 1991 , p . 3 ) . The student nurse has choices .
-- Uses the stress-adaptation model as its conceptual framework -- The latest classification of psychiatric disorders in DSM IV -- Access to 50 psychotropic drugs with client teaching guidelines on our website -- Each chapter based on DSM ...
A classic in the field of nursing theory! This renowned textbook guides the reader through in-depth descriptions and analyses of 31 specific nursing theories - many reviewed and validated by...
Haynos, A. F., Watts, A. W., Loth, K. A., Pearson, C. M., & Neumark-Stzainer, D. (2016). Factors predicting an escalation of restrictive eating ... Lie, S. Ø., Rø, Ø., & Bang, L. (2019). Is bullying and teasing associated with eating ...
Rev. ed. of: Foundations of psychiatric mental health nursing / [edited by] Elizabeth M. Varcarolis, Margaret Jordan Halter. 6th ed. c2010.
This focused approach to psychiatric mental health provides you with an uncomplicated way to understand the often-intimidating subject of psychiatric nursing.