Design and coding style rules are distilled from the examples. Understanding and following these rules will help professional programmers design and write better C++ programs. A chapter is devoted to each of the following topics: * abstractions * operator overloading * consistency * wrappers * unnecessary inheritance * efficiency * virtual functions Building on the programming rules introduced in the first seven chapters, Cargill presents a case study in which a single program undergoes repeated transformations that improve its overall quality while reducing its size. The book concludes with a chapter on multiple inheritance.
From type definition to error handling, this book presents C++ best practices, including some that have only recently been identified and standardized-techniques you may not know even if you've used C++ for years.
This fact ultimately led to the creation of a style guide for Java TM programming , entitled The Elements of Java Style.1 The positive reception to that book , coupled with recurring ques- tions about C ++ style issues , resulted in ...
Organized around practical problems and solutions, this book offers new insight into crucial C++ details and interrelationships, and new strategies for today's key C++ programming techniques--including generic programming, STL, exception ...
Your next stop is the improvements to the STL. Of course, you will not end this book without learning about what happened in the constexpr-world.
As every C++ programmer knows, the language has many powerful features, but this power brings with it complexity, which in turn can make code more bug-prone and harder to read and maintain.The goal of this guide is to manage this complexity ...
Assuming a backgound in C++ basics, this book helps programmers to develop their programming expertise by giving a feel for the styles and idioms of the language. The approach is...
C Elements of Style: The Programmer's Style Manual for Elegant C and C++ Programs
This boxed-set of five volumes on C++ programming includes: Modern C++ Design; Accelerated C++; Essential C++; Exceptional C++; and More Exceptional C++.
This book provides a detailed discussion on all things related to building software systems. It also includes references to statistical studies on many of the stylistic elements that affect program maintainability.
In this book, Stroustrup dissects many of these decisions to present a case study in "real object- oriented language development" for the working programmer.