Written for students who need a refresher on Plane Euclidean Geometry, Essentials of Geometry for College Students, Second Edition, incorporates the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards on geometry, modeling, reasoning, communication, technology, and deductive proof. To make learning interactive and enjoyable, this new edition includes exciting new features such as Technology Connections and Hands-on Activities. Knowledge of beginning algebra and a scientific calculator are required for this text
Essentials of Geometry for College Students
Elementary Geometry for College Students
An important difference of this book from the majority of modern college geometry texts is that it avoids axiomatics. The students using this book have had very little experience with formal mathematics.
Introduction to vector algebra in the plane; circles and coaxial systems; mappings of the Euclidean plane; similitudes, isometries, Moebius transformations, much more. Includes over 500 exercises.
Building on the success of its first four editions, the Fifth Edition of this market-leading text covers the important principles and real-world applications of plane geometry, with a new chapter on locus and concurrence and by adding 150 ...
Explains geometric theories and shows many examples.
The book is also intended to be a source for problems in geometry for enrichment programs such as Math Circles and Young Scholars. Titles in this series are co-published with the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI).
Inside this book, you'll find: • Clear, concise summaries of the most important concepts, formulas, and geometric skills • Diagrams, charts, and graphs for quick visual reference • Easy-to-follow content organization and illustrations ...
The standard university-level text for decades, this volume offers exercises in construction problems, harmonic division, circle and triangle geometry, and other areas. 1952 edition, revised and enlarged by the author.
Through clear explanations and numerous examples and problems, this text shows step-by-step how fundamental geometric ideas are connected to advanced geometry.