The LaTex Graphics Companion: Illustrating Documents with TeX and PostScript

The LaTex Graphics Companion: Illustrating Documents with TeX and PostScript
Addison-Wesley Professional
Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goossens, S. P. Q. Rahtz


Complementing The LaTeX Companion, this new graphics companion addresses one of the most common needs among users of the LaTeX typesetting system: the incorporation of graphics into text. It provides the first full description of the standard LaTeX color and graphics packages, and shows how you can combine TeX and PostScript capabilities to produce beautifully illustrated pages. You will learn how to incorporate graphic files into a LaTeX document, program technical diagrams using several different languages, and achieve special effects with fragments of embedded PostScript. Furthermore, you'll find detailed descriptions of important packages like Xy-pic, PSTricks, and METAPOST; the dvips dvi to PostScript driver; and Ghostscript.

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