Object-Oriented Design with Applications has long been the essential reference to object-oriented technology, which, in turn, has evolved to join the mainstream of industrial-strength software development. In this third edition--the first revision in 13 years--readers can learn to apply object-oriented methods using new paradigms such as Java, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0, and .NET.
The authors draw upon their rich and varied experience to offer improved methods for object development and numerous examples that tackle the complex problems faced by software engineers, including systems architecture, data acquisition, cryptoanalysis, control systems, and Web development. They illustrate essential concepts, explain the method, and show successful applications in a variety of fields. You'll also find pragmatic advice on a host of issues, including classification, implementation strategies, and cost-effective project management.
New to this new edition are
This is the seminal text for anyone who wishes to use object-oriented technology to manage the complexity inherent in many kinds of systems.
Concepts; Complexity. The object model; Classes and objects; Classification; The method; The notation; The process; Pragmatics; Applications; Smalltalk: Home heating system; Object Pascal: geometrical optics construction kit; C++: problem reporting...
Object Oriented Analysis & Design With Application
In this third edition--the first revision in 13 years--readers can learn to apply object-oriented methods using new paradigms such as Java, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0, and .NET.
Couldn't we use constants or maybe some enumerated types for the builders and woods? ... It looks like in Rick's inventory, he's got “Fender” with a capital “F,” and the customer's specs have “fender” all lowercase.
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications
Object-Oriented Analysis And Design With Applications, 3/E
The publisher offers discounts on this book when ordered in quantity for special sales . For more information , please contact : Pearson Education Corporate Sales Division One Lake Street Upper Saddle River , NJ 07458 ( 800 ) 382-3419 ...
All the main case-studies used for this book have been implemented by the authors using Java. The text is liberally peppered with snippets of code, which are short and fairly self-explanatory and easy to read.
The object-oriented code generated by using these concepts in a systematic way is concise, organized and reusable. The patterns and solutions presented in this book are based in research and industrial applications.
Pattern-Oriented Analysis and Design introduces a methodology for "composing" proven design patterns into reliable, robust large-scale software systems.