American Business and Public Policy is a study of the politics of foreign trade. It challenges fifty years of writ-ing on pressure politics. It includes nine hundred interviews with heads of corporations, including 166 of the 200 largest corporations; another 500 interviews with congressmen, lob-byists, journalists, and opinion leaders; and eight community studies making this book the most intensive survey in print of the politics of business. It is a realistic behavioral examination of a major type of economic decision. The authors introduce their study with a history of the tariff as a political issue in American politics and a history of American tariff legislation in the years from Europe's trade recovery under the Marshall Plan to the challenge of the Common Market. They examine in succession the changing attitudes of the general public and the political actions of the business community, the lobbies, and Congress. American Business and Public Policy is a contribution to social theory in several of its branches. It is a contribution to understanding the business community, to the social psychol-ogy of communication and attitude change, to the study of political behavior in foreign policy. American Business and Public Policy is at once a study of a classic issue in American politics--the tariff; decision-mak-ing, particularly the relation of economic to social-psycho-logical theories of behavior; business communication--what businessmen read about world affairs, what effect foreign travel has on them, where they turn for political advice, and how they seek political help; pressure politics, lobbying, and the Congressional process.
The Case Against "industrial Policy"
Auslandsinvestitionen kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen: eine Untersuchung über das Auslandsinvestitionspotential kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen
Japanese Economic History in Britain: Some Lessons from Teaching Experiences
The contents accused McDonald's of depower of McDonald's to influence stroying rainforests to raise beef ; litforeign cultures is well documented . tering cities ; exploiting children with For example , a group of anthropolo- its ads ...
The conclusion evaluates regulatory policy and deregulation. Extensive literaturecitations throughout enhance the books value as a reference.Daniel F. Spulber is Professor ofEconomics at the University of Southern California.
"President Kennedy and steel prices, by Roger M. Blough": pages 73-[162]. Includes bibliographical references.
本书研究了世界范围内产业结构的变动及其在地理上的转移或漂移, 集中关注制造业的转移, 详细记录了自英国工业革命至中国改革开放数百年间制造业在全球范围转移的历史, ...
International Trade and Scale Economies: A New Analysis
... ouvrage publié par un groupe d'écrivains suisses sous la direction de Paul SEIPPEL , Payot Lausanne , Schmid et ... Editions du Léman , Montreux , 1966 VUILLEUMIER , KOHLER , BALLIF , CERUTTI , CHEVALLEY , " La grève générale de ...
Prophets of Regulation: Charles Francis Adams, Louis D. Brandeis, James M. Landis, Alfred E. Kahn