Leading scholars in the field of social networks from diverse disciplines present the first systematic and comprehensive collection of current theories and empirical research on the informal connections that individuals have for support, help, and information from other people. Expanding on concepts originally formulated by Pierre Bourdieu and James Coleman, this seminal work will find an essential place with educators and students in the fields of social networks, rational choice theory, institutions, and the socioeconomics of poverty, labor markets, social psychology, and race. The volume is divided into three parts. The first segment clarifies social capital as a concept and explores its theoretical and operational bases. Additional segments provide brief accounts that place the development of social capital in the context of the family of capital theorists, and identify some critical but controversial perspectives and statements regarding social capital in the literature. The editors then make the argument for the network perspective, why and how such a perspective can clarify controversies and advance our understanding of a whole range of instrumental and expressive outcomes. Social Capital further provides a forum for ongoing research programs initiated by social scientists working at the crossroads of formal theory and new methods. These scholars and programs share certain understandings and approaches in their analyses of social capital. They argue that social networks are the foundation of social capital. Social networks simultaneously capture individuals and social structure, thus serving as a vital conceptual link between actions and structural constraints, between micro- and macro-level analyses, and between relational and collective dynamic processes. They are further cognizant of the dual significance of the "structural" features of the social networks and the "resources" embedded in the networks as defining elements of social capital. Nan Lin is professor of sociology, Duke University. Karen Cook is Ray Lyman Wilber Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Stanford University. Ronald S. Burt is Hobart W. Williams Professor of Sociology and Strategy, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.
Social Capital and Status Attainment: A Research Tradition. 78. 7. Inequality in Social Capital: A Research Agenda. 99. 8. Social Capital and the Emergence of Social Structure: A Theory of Rational Choice. 127. 9.
Brannigan, A., Gemmell, W., Pevalin, D. J. and Wade, T. J. (2002) Self-control and social control in childhood misconduct and aggression: the role of family structure, hyperactivity, and hostile parenting.
With genuine cross-disciplinary appeal, this exceptional book will be of great interest to students of sociology, politics and social policy.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Scott, J. 1991. Social network analysis: A handbook. London: Sage. Simon, H. A. 1991a. Bounded rationality and organizational learning. Organization Science, 2: 125–134. Simon, H. A. 1991b.
This volume provides a collection of critical new perspectives on social capital theory by examining how social values, power relationships, and social identity interact with social capital.
Sport and Social Capital is the first book to examine this increasingly high profile area in detail. It explores the ways in which sport contributes to the creation, development, maintenance and, in some cases, diminution of social capital.
The book is organized in three parts: Part 1. Emerging directions in social capital research. This section highlights novel directions in social capital research.
Topics include: contemporary conceptual and philosophical foundations; forms of social capital; and the relation of social capital to both development and democracy.
The second half surveys the empirical data on social capital in key health areas. Among the highlights: Toward a definition: Individual or group entity? Negative as well as positive effects?
vicarious experience of Robert in the stories she has heard from third parties, where the volume of stories she ... of one another.8 Alternative, redundant communication channels let numerous tellings of a story get around quickly.