Approaching the politics of the Lone Star State from historical, developmental, and analytical perspectives, Cal Jillson's text avoids partisanship, ideology, and gimmicks to provide the most comprehensive, readable, and accurate brief description of Texas politics available today. Throughout the book students are encouraged to connect the origins and development of government and politics in Texas—from the Texas Constitution, to party competition, to the role and powers of the Governor—to its current day practice and the alternatives possible through change and reform. This text will allow teachers to share with their students the evolution of Texas politics, where we stand today, and where we are headed. Texas Politics is one of the briefest and most affordable texts on the market, yet it offers instructors and students an unmatched range of pedagogical aids and tools. Each chapter opens with a number of focus questions to orient readers to the learning objectives and concludes with a Chapter Summary, a list of Key Terms, Suggested Readings, and Web Resources. Key Terms are bolded in the text, listed at the end of the chapter, and included in a Glossary at the end of the book. Each chapter presents several photos and numerous tables and figures to highlight the major ideas, issues, individuals, and institutions discussed. Each chapter also contains a Let’s Compare feature, comparing selected states to Texas on various dimensions.
Closing the gap between political theory and reality, the text gives you a clear understanding of how Texas compares with other states.
The fourth edition of this popular text is now expanded to better fit the needs of a standalone Texas Politics course.
Each chapter opens with a compelling story that -- along with the rich use of poignant and humorous examples -- brings Texas politics to life in a manner never accomplished before by a Texas government textbook.
... North Central Texas College Laura De La Cruz, El Paso Community College Brian R. Farmer, Amarillo College Frank J. Garrahan, Austin Community College Glen David Garrison, Collin County Community College–Spring Creek Diane Gibson, ...
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The text closes the gap between theory and practice with its Insiders and Politics in Practice features. The text reveals the inner workings of Texas elites, interest groups, campaign megadonors, and policy makers.
... S. Kitzman 49.4 % Sam Houston Clinton Charles F. “ Charlie " Baird Morris Overstreet 49.7 % David A. Berchelmann , Jr. Louis E. Sturns 49.2 % Source : Unofficial returns , Office of Secretary of State , Austin , Texas . system .
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The Establishment in Texas Politics: The Primitive Years, 1938 - 57
TEXAS POLITICS TODAY continues to be a best-selling overview of Texas Politics because it offers students a wide range of viewpoints, drawing on the diverse political and social perspectives of...