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In the new edition of Cynthia Garthwait’s The Social Work Practicum, theory and practice combine to offer a unique format for understanding, structuring, implementing, and evaluating practicum experience at both...
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Cournoyer, B. R. (2011). The social work skills book. Learning. White, M., & Epston, D. (1990). Narrative means to Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. Ellis, A. (1962).
"This is a developmental math book for Beginning Algebra and Intermediate Algebra students"--
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Whether you're switching careers, joining a bootcamp, starting a C.S. degree, or learning on your own, Your First Year in Code can help, with practical advice on topics like code reviews, resume writing, fitting in, ethics, and finding your ...
Incorporating the rich pedagogy and vibrant art program that have made his earlier books a success, Koupelis' In Quest of the Solar System is the clear choice for students making their way through their first astronomy course.
Joseph Coombs, “Has Full Employment” become obsolete,” SHRM Reports (March 7, 2016). 17. For a more detailed discussion of this phenomenon applied to human resource management, see Edward Lazear, Personnel Economics for Managers (New ...
Corporate Financial Accounting
This enhanced edition of PRINT READING FOR ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 3E takes a practical approach to print reading, with fundamental through advanced coverage that demonstrates industry standards essential for pursuing ...
The most important labor law enacted during the 1930s was the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (NLRA), also known as the Wagner Act. The NLRA prevented employers from discriminating against union workers in hiring or employment ...