This alternative to the very successful Production and Operations Management: Strategies and Tactics, Third Edition, by the same authors, is a briefer, less technical introduction to the material. With fewer chapters (only 14), all mathematical techniques are covered in separate chapter supplements. New learning aids have also been added, including learning objectives and chapter self-tests.
This introduction to operations management presents a state-of-the-art view of the primary activities of the operations function in organizations. New chapters on Global Operations and Supply Chain Management, a free...
Principles of Operations Management
This text is designed as a briefer, less technical introduction to operations management than the more traditional principles of operations management texts. Available in two versions, the hardcover version includes...
Also Available with MyOMLabTM This title is available with MyOMLab–an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results.
Jay H. Heizer, Barry Render. CASOS DE ESTUDIO ADICIONALES Casos para estudio en Internet : Visite nuestro sitio Web en para estos casos de estudio gratuitos : • Akron Zoological Park : Maneja el ...
KEY BENEFIT: This text allows students to apply what they’ve learned to real company challenges and best practices by offering a multitude of problems in the text and integrated case...
The Principles of Operations Management Matthias Holweg, Jane Davies, Arnoud de Meyer, Benn Lawson, Roger W. Schmenner. entities remain unchanged as they go from box to box . If they do in fact change , another box is inserted to denote ...
Principles of Operations Management presents a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic and practical manner, while offering the largest and most diverse collection of problems on the market. for a more comprehensive ...
The text also covers up-to date topics, such as re-engineering, global competition, open (vitual) organizations, finite scheduling, teams, and employee empowerment. POM for Windows software is available with this text.
A free CD-ROM is packaged with every book and comprehensive web site support is provided. This paperback text has the same 17 core chapters as Heizer/Render's Operations Management, 6/e but does not have the 6 quantitative modules.