Social Problems in a Diverse Society + Mysockit: Census Update, Books a La Carte

Social Problems in a Diverse Society + Mysockit: Census Update, Books a La Carte
Social Science
Prentice Hall
Diana Kendall


To take a tour of the book, visit: This text focuses on the significance of race, class, and gender; uses personal narratives to convey how problems are experienced by individuals and groups; and applies sociological perspectives throughout to examine social issues.Social Problems in a Diverse Societyfocuses on the significance of race, class, and gender as key factors in our understanding of social problems in the United Stated and around the globe. Throughout the text, all people - but particularly people of color and white women - are shown not merely as "victims" of social problems, but as individuals who resist discrimination and inequality and seek to bring about changes in families, schools, workplaces, and the larger society. What is the Pearson Census Update Edition? The Census Update edition incorporates 2010 Census data into a course–simply and easily. The components of the Census Update Program are as follows: Census Update Edition -Features fully updated data throughout the text–including all charts and graphs–to reflect the results of the 2010 Census. This edition also includes a reproduction of the 2010 Census Questionnaire for your students to explore in detail. 2010 Census Update Primer -A brief seven-chapter overview of the Census, including important information about the Constitutional mandate, research methods, who is affected by the Census, and how data is used. Additionally, the primer explores key contemporary topics such as race and ethnicity, the family, and poverty. The primer can be packaged with any Pearson text at no additional cost, and is available via MySocLab, MySocKit, and MySearchLab. The primer can also be purchased standalone. 2010 Census Update Primer Instructor’s Manual with Test Bank -Includes explanations of what has been updated, in-class activities, homework activities associated with the MyLabs and MyKits, discussion questions for the primer, and test questions related to the primer. MySocKit- Gives students the opportunity to explore the methods and data and apply the results in a dynamic interactive online environment. It includes: primary source readings relevant to the Census an online version of the 2010 Census Update Primer a series of activities using 2010 Census results video clips explaining and exploring the Census This Books a la Carte Plus Edition is an unbound, three-hole punched version of the textbook and provides students the opportunity to personalize their book by incorporating their own notes and taking only the portion of the book they need to class - all at an affordable price. It comes packaged with an access code to MySocKit, an electronic supplement that offers book-specific learning objectives, chapter summaries, flashcards and practice tests as well as video clips and activities to aid student learning and comprehension.

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