Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Social Systems Theory + Mysearchlab With Etext

Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Social Systems Theory + Mysearchlab With Etext
Human Behavior and the Social Environment
Political Science
Prentice Hall
Rebecca Smith, Orren Dale


Presents major theories for systems addressed in generalist practice This text is part of the Connecting Core Competencies Series. Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Social Systems Theory provides an expanded treatment of systems theory, and applies the theory to common social work concerns. The text links systems to social roles, and provides a framework for critical assessment of the theories from the systems/roles perspective. It assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each theory with regard to the value of each theory for social work practice. Social systems theory remains the focus of this text. In addition theories are identified as grand theories, middle range theories, or focal theories, to assist the student in understanding the scope and application of theories across system sizes. This text breaks new ground in using role theory as a middle range theory to address common features of human systems at a level that is more intuitive for students, and yet detailed enough to stimulate independent thinking. The text addresses the standard repertoire of theories, and in addition presents application of the theories to social issues such as violence and addiction. A better teaching and learning experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students. Here's how: Improve Critical Thinking - Links systems processes and concepts to role theory as a middle range perspective. Engage Students - Relates social systems concepts to the contexts of generalist social work practice Explore Current Issues - Provides an integrative perspective for the diverse theories used by social workers Apply CSWE Core Competencies - The text integrates the 2008 CSWE EPAS, with critical thinking questions and practice tests to assess student understanding and development of competency. Support Instructors - An Instructor's Manual and Test Bank, Computerized Test Bank (MyTest), BlackBoard Test Item File, and PowerPoint presentations are included in the outstanding supplements package.

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