Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality
Human Sexuality
Prentice Hall
Roger R. Hock


Choice, Awareness, Responsibility Human Sexuality, Third Edition, helps students develop and design their own sexual philosophy. Every chapter begins with actual student questions from the author's files during nearly 20 years of teaching the human sexuality course. Throughout each chapter the questions are answered and new ones are posed--encouraging students to think critically, analyze, and apply the material in personally relevant ways. Hock takes a psychosocial approach, infused with biological foundations throughout the text. The book focuses on topics that are most critical and of greatest relevance to students' personal lives and their interactions with others, and on how these topics affect them emotionally, psychologically, and interpersonally. This student-centered approach is incorporated into the text's discussions of all areas of sexuality: psychological, social and biological (including medical issues, sexual health, sexual anatomy and sexual physiology). Sensitivity to diverse groups, not only in terms of race and ethnicity, but also in terms if sexual orientation, age, sexual knowledge, and sexual experience allows all students to feel as comfortable and open about sexual topics as possible. Teaching & Learning Experience Personalize Learning -- The new MyDevelopmentLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed, provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals. Improve Critical Thinking -- With features like "Evaluating Sexual Research" and "Sexuality, Ethics, and the Law" Human Sexuality encourages students to be critical and skeptical when confronted with sexuality research and information. Engage Students -- An interpersonal approach and focus on helping students develop their own sexual philosophy connects course material to their real life decisions and behaviors. Explore Research -- The most up-to-date, scientific research is included. Apply Your Knowledge --opportunities like self-tests and scenario-driven questions throughout the text give students a chance to think more deeply about the content presented and help them to relate the material to their own lives. Support Instructors - An instructor's manual, Test Bank, MyTest, PowerPoints, teaching films, and class response systems provide instructors with the ultimate supplements package. Note: MyDevelopmentLab does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MyDevelopmentLab, please visit: or you can purchase a valuepack of the text + MyDevelopmentLab (at no additional cost) using ISBN 0205208371.

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