For introductory courses in Technical Communication. Technical Communication Strategies for Today offers both and speaks to today's students. Instructional narrative is “chunked,” so that portions of text are combined with...
Technical Communication Strategies for Today offers students all of the topics and genres they need for their technical communication course--in fewer pages and at a significantly lower price.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses...
Technical Communication Strategies for Today offers students all of the topics and genres they need for their technical communication course--in fewer pages and at a significantly lower price.
Technical Communication Today remains the only text to fully centralize the computer in the technical workplace, presenting how writers use computers throughout their communication process.
This package contains the following components: -0205632440: Technical Communication Today -0205680070: MyTechCommLab
Technical Communication Strategies for Today offers students all of the topics and genres they need for their technical communication course—in fewer pages and at a significantly lower price.
This text offers complete coverage of routine workplace documents, complex forms of communication, and the latest technological innovations.
Annotation Attempts to redefine the role of the technical communicator.
This book introduces the knowledge and skills as well as agile activities that help students communicate on projects within local and global communities.